Bofya hapa kwa toleo la Kiswahili / Click here for the Kiswahilian version

Day 1 Intro: Exploring your own career, needs assessment youth and planning your practical assignment

Participants will raise awareness about the development of their own career and will do a self-assessment about their competences in guiding youth. They set goals about what to achieve and how to steer their own learning process. They elaborate the practical assignment: Develop a tailor-made programme ‘Career Development’ for the youth you are working with. And they make a start with the needs assessment of the group of youth they are going to guide.

Day 2 ‘Discover your Talent’

Day 3 ‘Discover your Passion’

Day 4 ‘Discover your World of Work’

Day 5 ‘Discover your Network’

Day 6 ‘Discover your Business’

Day 7 ‘Your Action planning and Applying for a job’

Day 8 Presentations and Evaluation

On this last day participants present their tailor-made programme to the manager, senior officers and colleagues of their institutions. They show what they have achieved and how career development can be part of the training, courses and guidance the institutions deliver. At the end of the day there is the evaluation of the training and sharing about the needs for implementation and further development. And a kind of celebration with certificates and a round of compliments to the neighbour.